
For Size I manifold segment R432015315 and Size II R432015318 station segments only
This kit allows the combining of our sizes I and II bases, with side porting, in the same manifold. No need to sacrifice by either undersizing or oversizing to meet design needs.

Kit contains all hardware plus:
1 - Transition plate (Size I to Size II)
1 - Size I Endplate
1 - Size II Endplate (Cannot be used with R432015314)
Unit of Measure


Old Part #

P -068441-00001


3.15 in.


1.23 in.


4.97 in.

ISO Size




Eliminate Downtime-They Don’t Stick
Normal air valves can stick or jam and cause start-up problems because of their inability to handle accumulations of dir, dust, oil or water in air lines. Not with the Ceram valve. There’s no gap between the plates for dirt and oil to accumulate. The plates are finished so precise that they act like sliding magnets or jo blocks. Solenoid operators of the same voltage on standard valves are interchangeable between all sizes, reducing spare parts inventory and downtime.

They Work Great in Normal Applications Too
Just because they are so popular in harsh environments, don’t think they won’t work great in a more normal application.

Ceram Valves Save Air and Money
The tight shut-off with Ceram valves eliminates costly loss of air that is common in other designs. Compressed air that you pay for.

Extended Life
Years of proven field service verifies an anticipated life of 150 million cycles even under adverse conditions.

Overcomes Design Limitations of Other Valves
Lapped spool valves normally have a small gap between spool and sleeve that is prone to oil and dirt accumulation, resulting in sticking and the waste of air. Packed spool valves using elastomer seals are subject to deterioration and excessive wear when contamination and/or incompatible lubricants are present.

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